Home Page Check Accessibility, HTML, CSS, Broken Links & Spelling

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Top 3 reasons to validate your website

Here are my top 3 reasons to validate your website:

1) Do you want people to find your site using a search engine? If you do then note that search engine robots/spiders are very fussy and will not search or index some or all of a site if they come across invalid HTML. So if you want to be properly listed you need to be sure your HTML is valid.

2) Just because you can use your website doesn't mean that someone with a disability can. You should ensure your website conforms to the W3C WAI accessibility guidelines or the US Section 508 standard. In both cases you need validated HTML as a basis.

3) There are many different browsers at different versions out there. What works for IE6 may not work for IE5. Using standard HTML will help to minimise the differences for people visiting your site with different browsers.

posted by Total Validator @ 2:05 pm

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